
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Day After

Living across the street from a bar has its upside, but believe it or don't, its downside. I know right? Well the sh*tshow that is St Patty's day is the biggest one I can see. My dog had the cha-chas last night so I chose to stay in and clean runny poop instead of wading in Jameson-laced frat-guy puke. Crazy.
While I listened to couples scream, projectile vomit, conduct bizarre cat-fights and perform general acts of vandalism, I thought it was time to write another article. Being that I've been trapped inside a great deal this winter, I could've written before but I didn't want to. I was to busy going after Old Man Winter, trying to kick him in his icy balls.

Seeing the crazy snowpocalypse we encountered up here while my bitchface friends on the West Coast and South showed pics of suntanning, I thought about global grape-growing. See, as the average temperature of the globe increases, the polar ice caps continue to melt, thereby shifting the jet stream down
and creating this extreme bullsh*t weather. Ask any scientist. Any of them. That's where I get my information on scientific studies, not "newsmen" because most of their heads are generally filled with air. I digress...
So as we see average temperatures increase, there is an obvious effect on crops. Good wine comes from picking grapes at that ideal spot where sugars and acids are in balance. Tough to do in super-hot areas where ripeness can occur quickly and acid levels will drop fast. So you're seeing places in England and Northern Europe growing grapes now where alcohol was typically made from grain or fruit off trees previously. What does this have to do with St. Patty's day? Absolutely nothing, but I needed to vent.

There are quite a few local vineyards popping up all over the US. Some of them shouldn't be, but as they learn their trade and plant the right varietals, I think we'll start to see more wine from unusual spots. I'm a firm supporter of this and supporting local farmers in general. What are some of the best? They're everywhere. Go out and try them! I don't know what you like for God's sake!
Happy tasting! I have to dodge blown-chunks on the sidewalk now...

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